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AGENDA : 12-14 NOVEMBER 2024

ISS World North America is the world's largest gathering of North American Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, Defense, Public Safety and other members of the Government Intelligence Community as well as Telecom Operators responsible for cyber threat intelligence gathering, DarkNet monitoring, lawful interception, and cybercrime investigations.

ISS World Programs present the methodologies and tools for Law Enforcement, Public Safety and Government Intelligence Communities in the fight against drug trafficking, cyber money laundering, human trafficking, terrorism, and other criminal activities conducted over today's Telecommunications networks, the Internet, and Social Networks.

Track 1: Lawful Interception and Social Network Monitoring Training
Track 2: LEA, Defense and Intelligence Gathering Product Presentations
Track 3: Social Network Monitoring, OSINT and Data Analytics Product Presentations
Track 4: Investigating Dark Web and Cryptocurrency Transaction Traceback
Track 5: Mobile Signal, 5G Intercept and Electronic Surveillance Product Presentations

ISS World North America 2024 - Agenda at a Glance

Special Training Seminars (23 Classroom Hours) Led by

Law Enforcement Officers and Ph.D Computer Scientists

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Online Social Media and Internet Investigations 
(6 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Charles Cohen, Vice President at NW3C, the National White Collar Crime Center, Professor in Practice Criminal Justice, Indiana University and Retired Captain, Indiana State Police

Practitioners Guide to Internet Investigations
(6 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Mark Bentley, Communications Data Expert, National Cyber Crime Law Enforcement, UK Police

Understanding 2G/3G/4G/5G/6G Infrastructure for Lawful Intercept
(1 Classroom Hour)
Presented by: Dr. Jerry Lucas, President, TeleStrategies

Understanding 5G NFV, Network Slicing and Edge Computing for Law Enforcement Investigators
(1 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

Defeating Network Encryption: What Law Enforcement and The Intelligence Community Needs to Understand
(1 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

Understanding How AI Empowers ISS Products, LEAs and Intelligence Agencies
(1 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT): Hype vs. Reality and Law Enforcement Friend or Foe
(1 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

A Real World Look at Investigations in the Dark Web 
(6 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Todd G. Shipley, CEO, Dark Intel and Co-Author of Investigating Internet Crimes: An Introduction to Solving Crimes in Cyberspace and Retired Investigator, Reno NV, Police Department

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Trending Topics in Cryptocurrency Forensics
(1 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Vladimir Vesely (Ph.D., Computer Science) Researcher, Brno University of Technology

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Thou shalt wirelessly intercept your neighbor: Leveraging WiFi and Bluetooth in operative
(1 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Vladimir Vesely (Ph.D., Computer Science) Researcher, Brno University of Technology

Mastering the password cracking
(1 Classroom Hours)
Presented by: Vladimir Vesely (Ph.D., Computer Science) Researcher, Brno University of Technology

(Seminar Descriptions At The End of Agenda Posting)

Welcoming Remarks and Top Ten Challenges

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

8:15-8:30 AM Welcoming Remarks
Tatiana Lucas, ISS World Program Director, TeleStrategies
8:30-9:00 AM Top Ten Challenges Facing Law Enforcement and the Government Intelligence Community and Who at ISS World North America has Solutions
Dr. Jerry Lucas, President, TeleStrategies

ISS World North America Exhibit Hours:

Wednesday, November 13, 2024: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Thursday, November 14, 2024: 9:30 AM-1:00 PM

ISS World North America 2024 Agenda:


Track 1: Lawful Interception and Social Network

Monitoring Training

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Online Social Media and Internet Investigations
Presented by: Charles Cohen, Vice President at NW3C, the National White Collar Crime Center, Professor in Practice Criminal Justice, Indiana University and Retired Captain, Indiana State Police

Proxies, VPNs, and Dark Web: Identity Concealment and Location Obfuscation

Tor, onion routers, Deepnet, and Darknet: An Investigator's Operational Perspective

How Criminals exploit Darknet Services and Dark Markets: A Deep Dive for Criminal Investigators

Tor, onion routers, Deepnet, and Darknet: Investigative Strategies & Case Studies

Device Geolocation through GPS, Wi-Fi Triangulation, Cell site Trilateration, BLE Beacons, and Ultra-Wideband: What Investigators Need to Know

Collecting Evidence from Online Communication: Building a Cyber-OSINT Toolbox

11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Understanding How AI Empowers ISS Products, LEAs and Intelligence Agencies

Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

1:30-2:30 PM
Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT): Hype vs. Reality and Law Enforcement Friend or Foe
Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

2:45-3:45 PM
Using Arabic Script Languages for Online Target Discovery
The amount of content being uploaded in languages using an Arabic alphabet keeps growing at a very fast pace. Being able to tackle online content using this alphabet is essential for any  organization’s decision-making process. This introduction will show some of the techniques that will help you find the content that you're looking for using an Arabic alphabet without prior knowledge of this language.
Skip Schiphorst, Online Rearch in Foreign Languages Instructor, i-intelligence GmbH

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

1:00-1:45 PM
From Fragments to Full Picture: Unraveling Complex Criminal Networks with Skopenow
Presented by Skopenow

2:00-2:45 PM
.ai: Accelerating human understanding for the most important missions on Earth

Presented by percipient.ai

Thursday, November 14, 2024

8:30-9:30 AM
Generative AI: Implementation Experience and Lessons Learned for Law Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies
Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

Generative AI (GAI) has potential to completely revolutionize network data and OSINT analytics - potentially allowing investigators to effortlessly engage, analyze, visualize large datasets and “connect the dots” that would traditionally require enormous manual effort from teams of analysts and IT personnel. 

GAI is also one of those technologies that is particularly difficult to implement because of the inherent nature of machine learning systems and complexity of integrating the technology into operational environments. 

This webinar presents the key roadblocks, challenges and implementation issues facing law enforcement and intelligence agencies looking to leverage generative AI technology -- and providing a vendor’s real-world experience overcoming them. 

Key topics include:

                              - Securing and protecting sensitive investigation information
                              - Prompt engineering optimized for evidence and intelligence
                              - Addressing bias and accuracy
                              - End-user natural language interfaces
                              - Retrieval augmentation and dataset integration challenges
                              - Training and tuning models
                              - Limitations, case studies and examples
                              - Expected technology advancements

10:30-11:30 AM Session A
Understanding the Implications of Online Social Media for OSINT During Critical Incidents

Charles Cohen, Vice President at NW3C, the National White Collar Crime Center, Professor in Practice Criminal Justice, Indiana University and Retired Captain, Indiana State Police

10:30-11:30 AM Session B
Thou shalt wirelessly intercept your neighbor: Leveraging WiFi and Bluetooth in operative

In this talk, we shall discuss various security mechanisms used in WiFi and Bluetooth networks and how to abuse them to obtain mission-critical intel. Apart from explaining all principles, we will demonstrate them (hopefully live) on our tactical device! Starting with an access point and client scans, we will continue with client targetted jamming and total Denial-of-Service of the whole network that may even result in authentication handshake capture. This handshake contains information to recover the WiFi password to access the targeted network. Once inside the network, we will show essential hacking tools to conduct IP-level reconnaissance. But we will not limit ourselves to WiFi and demonstrate how Bluetooth can be leveraged to notify you about a person's presence or exploit various IoT devices.
Vladimir Vesely (Ph.D., Computer Science) Researcher, Brno University of Technology

12:00-1:00 PM
Mastering the password cracking
Users need to provide passwords when they are logging into the computer, starting their smartphone, accessing their favourite web service, opening protected files/disks, connecting to a network or pairing their wearable. Encryption is an inherent trait of digital presence, whether users realize it or not. We will speak about different approaches to password cracking, including dictionary, rule-based, brute-force, hybrid and association attacks. We will show benchmarks of how fast high-end GPU cards can recover passwords for various formats (e.g., Windows credentials, WPA2 handshakes, ZIP and RAR files, LUKS partitions, Android PINs, and iPhone Backups). We will answer what length or complexity of the password is enough to protect your data. Nevertheless, better than guessing the password is knowing the password! We will conclude our talk by demonstrating the applicability of personal information leaks with usernames, emails, phone numbers and passwords! 
Vladimir Vesely (Ph.D., Computer Science) Researcher, Brno University of Technology

Track 2: LEA, Defense and Intelligence Gathering

Product Presentations

* Note: Sessions in this track are only open to Law Enforcement, Public Safety and Government Intelligence Community Attendees.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Practitioners Guide to Internet Investigations

Presented by: Mark Bentley, Communications Data Expert, National Cyber Crime Law Enforcement, UK Police

The aim of this 1-day seminar is to take the attendees from the basics of understanding the Internet, 
how to find data, through to a full understanding of best practice of an Internet investigator, building their OSINT toolbox, and having awareness and knowledge of all the tools available to achieve this. It is aimed primarily at the investigator, delivered from the perspective of detective, to empower them to have the best methodology and tradecraft to profile and catch suspects.
This is exclusively Law Enforcement only, as Practical examples, covert and investigative methodology and tradecraft will be given throughout the seminar.

The Internet, and how suspects leave a Digital Footprint. How the system works for us, as investigators

Recognizing Traffic Data and digital profiling via social networks and devices - digital shadows

WIFI, geolocation, and Mobile Data traces and tracking

Awareness of Emerging Technologies, Masking Tech and Tools, TOR and proxies

Advanced Techniques in Tracing Suspects, and lateral problem solving

Open Source Tools, PART 1. Resources, tradecraft and techniques - highlighting the best free tools and resources

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

9:10-10:00 AM
Every piece of data tells a story – combine and analyze data from any source in your digital investigation.
Jesper Lund Nielsen, Sales Director, XCI A/S 

1:00-1:45 PM
WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook... how IPS helps you to locate most wanted targets with LI
Presented by IPS

2:00-2:45 PM Session A
From Electronic Surveillance to Encrypted Communication analysis challenges, solved with integrated Cyber Intelligence solutions. A structured case-study
“Follow the white rabbit” starting from limited and vague information and reaching focused and reliable evidence. Going into a structured case that focuses on the steps that build knowledge and intelligence information for the LEAs, this case study will replicate a realistic approach of the solution of the investigation with actual and proven technologies.
Presented by AREA

2:00-2:45 PM Session B
Refocusing Audio Recordings: A New Paradigm for Speech Enhancement
Presented by Wave Sciences, LLC

3:15-4:00 PM Session A
Forensic content derived metadata with powerful Data Fusion and Analysis unleashes the intelligence hidden in the encrypted communications. Use cases and demonstration.
Highlighting two cornerstone concepts essential for a comprehensive intelligence platform. One: the creation and collection of rich metadata form network communications. Two: the analysis and processing of data to extract intelligence and investigative data.
Presented by AREA

3:15-4:00 PM Session B
Recovery CAT: Technology for Government to Find, Identify, and Increase Seizures of Digital Assets
Presented by CAT Labs

4:15-5:00 PM
Demo: Ridgeline's Prism Identity Management Software
Presented by Ridgeline Intelligence

      Thursday, November 14, 2024

      Solving the challenges of Data-Fusion and Validation: Communication Data, live lawful interception data, mobile forensics extraction and more in a single platform.
       Use cases and demonstration.
      Presented by AREA

      Electronic Surveillance solutions to investigate in the field and operate form a unified, AI enabled, centralized Cyber Intelligence platform. Use cases and demonstration.
      Demonstrating Electronic Surveillance solutions and their multiple benefits for the users, unique design, construction quality and principles, together with the adoption of innovative capabilities of AI and ML technologies, to help and speed up daily operations of LEAs, in a forensic proof centralized platform. 
      Presented by AREA

Track 3: Social Network Monitoring, OSINT and Data

Analytics Product Presentations

* Note: Sessions in this track are only open to Law Enforcement, Public Safety and Government Intelligence Community Attendees.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

2:45-3:45 PM
Digital Intelligence Supercharged: OSINT and Digital Forensics Investigations with CoAnalyst Generative AI platform

Presented by Cobwebs

4:00-5:00 PM
Beyond Borders: Mastering Passenger Screening with Big Data Fusion
A practical and comprehensive guide on how to make passenger screening easier, faster, and safer with the optimal use of resources. Using real-world cases, participants will be taken through the passenger journey and discover how they can use big data fusion technology to address common challenges such as: human mistakes, disinformation, misinformation, time spent on verbal and technological treatment, silo effect between local security and international security, fake passport detection, prioritization, and old technologies.
Presented by RAKIA Group

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

9:10-10:00 AM
Location & Open-Source Intelligence: Real Life Case Studies & Live Demonstration
Presented by Cobwebs

9:10-10:00 AM
Mastering the Digital Landscape: Live Demo of Majestic 5 
The RAKIA team will present a step-by-step guide for harnessing OSINT and fusion technology using Majestic 5 to effectively build multifaceted and comprehensive investigation workflows. The use cases presented will harness the full spectrum of OSINT capabilities including target profiling, mass collection, DarkNet exploitation, avatar design and management, fake account identification and mitigation, no code crawlers, and cross-domain link analysis between targets. 
Presented by RAKIA Group

1:00-1:45 PM Session C
Unveiling the Power of OSINT and Evidentiary Data Integration: A Blueprint for Case Resolution
Presented by Cobwebs

1:00-1:45 PM Session D
Big Data Fusion Driving Seamless Digital Operations Transformation
Explore how Big Data Fusion revolutionizes operational efficiency by seamlessly integrating diverse data sources to generate precise insights, breaking down silos, and enhances decision-making. Discover firsthand how to use big data fusion to address data validation challenges, extracting valuable insights from open and hidden sources and creating seamless operations that elevate mission critical performance. 
Presented by RAKIA Group

2:00-2:45 PM Session B
Chasing the Money: Utilizing Financial Data to Create Effective Cases
Presented by Cobwebs

3:15-4:00 PM Session A
Stealer Logs: Intro and Discussion of How They Can be Leveraged for OSINT Investigations

Presented by District 4

3:15-4:00 PM Session B
The ultimate AI-driven Intelligence to monitor and extract meaningful information from Social Media and Traditional Media like TV and Radio to improve national security. A live demo.
Presented by IPS

4:15-5:00 PM Session B
Discovering China Support to Mexican Drug Cartels by using Behavior Based Insights
China involvement in Mexican cartel operations remains difficult to define – until now. Using university research, Torchlight identified China behavioral activity at 23 cities identified as “Major Cartel Operational Zones”. Deeper analysis discovered a Device of Interest associated with cartel activities in Sinaloa and the US border.
Jim Bourie, CEO, Torchlight

4:15-5:00 PM Session C
From Data Deluge to Actionable Intelligence: Skopenow’s Solutions for Internet Investigations
Presented by Skopenow

Thursday, November 14, 2024

8:30-9:30 AM Session A
Automatic Exploitation of Social Network, Deep and Dark Web to complement traditional Lawful Interception Infrastructure for Target Profiling.
Presented by IPS

8:30-9:30 Session B
Lawful Interception - What, Why, When, Who and how to, and solutions.
Interception - What it is all about; Why it's necessary; When we should consider it; Who we should deploy against; and how to capture, analyze and create actionable connections and intelligence. We will also look at the legal questions of proportionality, Necessity, and collateral intrusion management. Solutions also discussed.
Mark Bentley, Communications Data Expert, National Cyber Crime Law Enforcement, UK Police

12:00-1:00 PM Session A
Maritime Threats Prediction, Detection and Monitoring with Revolutionary Fusion Intelligence Platform. A real use-case.
Presented by IPS

12:00-1:00 PM Session B
Open Source Tools, PART 2. Top 20 FREE Open Source Tools (OSINT) Used in Cybercrime Investigations
Mark Bentley, Communications Data Expert, National Cyber Crime Law Enforcement, UK Police

Track 4: Investigating Dark Web and Cryptocurrency

Transactions Traceback

* Note: Sessions in this track are only open to Law Enforcement, Public Safety and Government Intelligence Community Attendees.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A Real World Look at Investigations in the Dark Web
Presented by: Todd G. Shipley, CEO, Dark Intel, and CoAuthor of, Investigating Internet Crimes: An Introduction to Solving Crimes in Cyberspace and retired investigator, Reno NV, Police Department

9:00-10:00 AM
The Dark Web, what it is and what it is not 

10:15-11:15 AM
To TOR or not to TOR

11:30-12:30 PM
CryptoCurrency and its use in the Dark Web 

1:30-2:30 PM
Going Undercover on the Dark Web 

2:45-3:45 PM
Using web bugs and other technology to locate a suspect 

4:00-5:00 PM
Advanced Dark Web Investigations, identifying the anonymous use

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

9:10-10:00 AM
Blockchain Intelligence: A New Frontline Against North Korean Cyber-Financing Activities
Presented by Elliptic

1:00-1:45 PM
Trending Topics in Cryptocurrency Forensics
Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies are becoming mainstream for financial interactions and standard tools when conducting cybercrime such as scams, frauds, ransomware, darknet markets, sextortion, etc. LEAs also adapted to a new situation, and many investigators are already familiar with cryptocurrency basics and how to trace transactions on publicly available blockchain explorers. This session aims to extend the knowledge of participants about more advanced topics such as: a) address clustering techniques and their applicability to various cryptocurrencies; b) monitoring of cryptocurrency networks and their peers with the help of network intelligence; c) geolocating cryptocurrency transaction with IP address or originator; d) overcoming obfuscation of transactions entering and leaving mixers; e) correlating activities on darkweb with blockchain events. Each subtopic will be thoroughly explained, including currently existing methods and tools for addressing associated challenges.
Vladimir Vesely (Ph.D., Computer Science) Researcher, Brno University of Technology

Track 5: Mobile Signal Intercept, 5G and Electronic

Surveillance Product Presentations

* Note: Sessions in this track are only open to Government Attendees, unless marked otherwise

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

(Open to all attendees)
9:00-10:00 AM
Understanding 2G/3G/4G/5G/6G Infrastructure for Lawful Intercept
Dr. Jerry Lucas, President, TeleStrategies 

(Open to all attendees)
10:15-11:15 AM
Understanding 5G NFV, Network Slicing and Edge Computing for Law Enforcement Investigators
Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science), VP, TeleStrategies

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

2:00-2:45 PM
The Future of Operations in the Era of Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance
Presented by Ridgeline Intelligence

4:15-5:00 PM
Centralized 5G ready Cyber-intelligence AI enabled Monitoring Centre to support the challenges of Lawful Interception and Electronic Surveillance. Hands on.
Introducing the enhanced capabilities of adopting AI and Machine Learning technologies and the principles within a centralized 5G Monitoring Facility for LEAs.
Presented by AREA

Advanced HI-Tech Cyber Investigation Training

Seminars Led by Law Enforcement Officers and

Ph.D Computer Scientists

30 classroom training hours, presented by sworn law enforcement officers, Ph.D. Computer Scientists and nationally recognized cybercrime textbook authors and instructors. Distinguished ISS World Training Instructor sessions include:

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Seminar #1

Online Social Media and Internet Investigations 

Presented by: Charles Cohen, Vice President at NW3C, the National White Collar Crime Center, Professor in Practice Criminal Justice, Indiana University and Retired Captain, Indiana State Police

This Seminar is open to all attendees but designed for practitioners who are actively collecting evidence and criminal intelligence, identifying unlawful online activity, and mitigating threats.  

While Tor is the most common Darknet Service, it is not the only one.  And, while Tor Hidden Service servers are the most well-known portion of the Darknet, there are other areas accessible through other tools.  The first two sessions will give practitioners the foundation that they need to understand these tools and communities—both how they function and how they are exploited by criminals.

Mobile devices collect, store, and transmit an ever-increasing amount of information that includes handset geolocation information collected from a combination of GPS, Wi-Fi, cellular trilateration, BLE beacons, and ultra-wideband sensors. The afternoon sessions will take a deep dive into information being collected by mobile handsets, operating system developers, and social media companies.

Proxies, VPNs, and Dark Web: Identity Concealment and Location Obfuscation

Tor, onion routers, Deepnet, and Darknet: An Investigator's Operational Perspective

How Criminals exploit Darknet Services and Dark Markets: A Deep Dive for Criminal Investigators

Tor, onion routers, Deepnet, and Darknet: Investigative Strategies & Case Studies

Device Geolocation through GPS, Wi-Fi Triangulation, Cell site Trilateration, BLE Beacons, and Ultra-Wideband: What Investigators Need to Know

Collecting Evidence from Online Communication: Building a Cyber-OSINT Toolbox

Seminar #2

Practitioners Guide to Internet Investigations

Presented by: Mark Bentley, Communications Data Expert, National Cyber Crime Law Enforcement, UK Police

The aim of this 1-day seminar is to take the attendees from the basics of understanding the Internet, 
how to find data, through to a full understanding of best practice of an Internet investigator, building their OSINT toolbox, and having awareness and knowledge of all the tools available to achieve this. It is aimed primarily at the investigator, delivered from the perspective of detective, to empower them to have the best methodology and tradecraft to profile and catch suspects.
This is exclusively Law Enforcement only, as Practical examples, covert and investigative methodology and tradecraft will be given throughout the seminar.

9:00-10:00 AM
The Internet, and how suspects leave a Digital Footprint. How the system works for us, as investigators

How it works. Why it works. How it works for us .How data traffic leaves a trace ; What the internet is; what is an IP and how is it significant to trace a person. IPv4 and IPv6 – understanding the changes- the benefits and pitfalls for the investigator. The internet has millions of copies of data on it - why, and where can we find this. Tracking and evaluating data. MAC adders tracking.

10:15-11:15 AM
Recognizing Traffic Data and digital profiling via social networks and devices - digital shadows

What data is available. How to harvest and analyze it. Best practice to identify suspects and build profiles. Good practice, virtual data 'housekeeping' and tradecraft .Data collection and interrogation, significance and value. IP usage, exploitation and dynamics; IP plotting and analysis how to look for suspect mistakes and exploit them ( where they show their id). Dynamic approaches to identifying suspects through internet profiles. What investigators get from tech and service providers, and how to analyze it. Investigator capabilities and opportunities.

11:30 AM-12:30 PM
WIFI, geolocation, and Mobile Data traces and tracking

A detectives look at Wi-Fi, attribution, cell site data, GPRS location services and technology. How an investigator can track devices, attribute suspects locations, devices and movement. Unique communication identifiers. Dynamic live time tracing. Geo location services and uses. Online Surveillance and tracking movement and speed.

1:30-2:30 PM
Awareness of Emerging Technologies, Masking Tech and Tools, TOR and proxies

How suspects are using emerging and new technologies.
An introduction to where technology is going, and how Law enforcement can use this to our advantages. dynamic and pro-active problem solving. Darknet, (Deep web) , TOR and IRC use. VOIP, Skype and FaceTime exploits. Advanced data sniffing and profile building. TOR systems, applications and ways to coax offenders out of the system.

2:45-3:45 PM
Advanced Techniques in Tracing Suspects, and lateral problem solving

Using innovative and dynamic methods to trace offenders. Tricks used by suspects and how to combat them- Play them at their own game?. Covert internet investigations. Proxy servers and hiding. Managing collateral intrusion. Reverse and social engineering. Thinking outside the box. Lateral thinking. Possible missed opportunities. Profile building and manhunts through device footprints, speed and movement.

4:00-5:00 PM
Open Source Tools, PART 1. Resources, tradecraft and techniques - highlighting the best free tools and resources

"Just google it" doesn't work anymore. A look at good tradecraft, practice and methodology in profiling, tracking and tracing digital footprints and shadows on the internet, by means of best available tools. A look at a selection of 200+ tools available on Mark's open source law enforcement tools website, that search engines can’t see, with login and password provided during the session. Do's and do nots. Best tools for best results. When was the last time you 'googled' something in an investigation, and it returned 5 results, all specifically relating to your suspect? This session will teach you how. PART 2 on the final day with free tools to download and keep

Seminar #3

A Real World Look at Investigations in the Dark Web
Presented by: Todd G. Shipley, CEO, Dark Intel, and CoAuthor of, Investigating Internet Crimes: An Introduction to Solving Crimes in Cyberspace and retired investigator, Reno NV, Police Department

9:00-10:00 AM
The Dark Web, what it is and what it is not 

10:15-11:15 AM
To TOR or not to TOR

11:30-12:30 PM
CryptoCurrency and its use in the Dark Web 

1:30-2:30 PM
Going Undercover on the Dark Web 

2:45-3:45 PM
Using web bugs and other technology to locate a suspect 

4:00-5:00 PM
Advanced Dark Web Investigations, identifying the anonymous user

Seminar #4
9:00-10:00 AM

Understanding 2G/3G/4G/5G Infrastructure for Lawful Intercept
Presented by: Dr. Jerry Lucas, President, TeleStrategies

Seminar #5
10:15-11:15 AM

Understanding 5G NFV, Network Slicing and Edge Computing for Law Enforcement Investigators
Presented by: Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science), VP, TeleStrategies

Seminar #6
11:30 AM -12:30 PM

Understanding How AI Empowers ISS Products, LEAs and Intelligence Agencies
Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

Law enforcement and intelligence agencies have massive data sets to pile through in order to find the evidence and information they need for their investigations. This seminar will address how AI is helping. The presentation will first provide a background/primer in at AI technologies -  what are the specific types of AI systems; how are they used in industry today; and what are the strengths and weaknesses of AI. The second half will focus on how ISS vendors are leveraging AI to increase agent efficiency and results in network data, OSINT, application profiling, location and image/language processing. Specific topics include: 

  • Overview of AI, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) systems technology.
  • What AI capabilities are helping law enforcement and national security agencies (e.g., image / natural language processing, unstructured data analytics, predictive analytics).
  • How AI is powering OSINT analytics, mobile signal intercept, location, signaling intelligence, audio-visual forensics, encryption and surveillance products. 
  • Negative impacts of AI, such as clutter, fake news.
  • Future directions: generative AI, ChatGPT.

Seminar # 8
1:30-2:30 PM

Generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT): Hype vs. Reality and Law Enforcement Friend or Foe
Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer Science, VP, TeleStrategies

Generative AI is a completely new technology that is greatly impacting all aspects of society, industry, politics, and culture. This seminar is going to look at generative AI from law enforcement and the intelligence community’s perspective. The first half of the presentation will focus on what the technology is, how it works, the training sets, what is good at, and the pitfalls. The second half will look at how LEAs and intelligence agencies can leverage the technology; how the technology is already making the lives of agents more difficult; and how generative AI might find itself working into LEA/ISS tools. Specific topics include: 

  • What are the key difference between traditional AI systems and generative AI platforms?
  • What are generative AI systems and large language models? How does the work? What are they good at? What can’t they do?
  • What are the key platform providers? Who is behind the technology? Where is it going?
  • What are the potential application, upside and downside of generative AI for LEAs and intel agencies?
  • How are the platforms evolving? What to expect going forward from a criminal use/misuse perspective (e.g., fake news, deepfakes, clutter generation)? What products and platforms are available to address this?