Latest Updates on Investigation Techniques for Defeating TOR Hidden Services, I2P and Zeronet
Sponsored by: TeleStrategies' ISS World
Online webinar:
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
9:00-10:00 AM - New York, EST
14:00-15:00 - London Time
Presented by:
Dr. Matthew Lucas - TeleStrategies ISS World, Moderator
Dr. Gareth Owenson BSc PhD PgC FHEA - Chief Technology Officer - Searchlight Security Ltd
Free and open to government, telecoms, private enterprise security executives and ISS vendors. Pre-registration with your government or corporate issued email address is required.
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Latest Updates on Investigation Techniques for Defeating TOR Hidden Services, I2P and Zeronet
TOR has been around a long time and proven to be an effective anonymizing protocol for criminals to host dark markets and hide their various illegal activities. This webinar provides law enforcement an update on investigation techniques that can be used to reveal the identities of TOR-based dark market hosts and users, as well as the latest challenges and issues related to defeating emerging anonymizing protocols such as I2P and Zeronet. Specific topics include:
- Overview of TOR, I2P and Zeronet protocols;
- TOR-based criminal activity (e.g., drugs, exploitation, trafficking, laundering);
- Trends: new models in how operators make money; directions in cryptocurrencies/payments; proliferation of smaller and localized markets;
- Understanding the community developing and supporting anonymizing protocols;
- Profile and sophistication of typical market operators and users;
- Techniques to unmask IPs (e.g., site fingerprinting, exploits, browser vulnerability exploits, finding misconfigurations, inducing TOR to leak IPs, and more);
- Countermeasures, blocklists and misinformation to watch for;
- Best practices, pitfalls and the “do’s and don’ts” during your investigations;
- Seizures: What to do next in terms of evidence collection, unmasking users and harvesting user data; and
- Future direction of investigation techniques (AI-assisted technologies, automation).
The presenters will use recent TOR, I2P and Zeronet investigations and case studies to illustrate the techniques and challenges discussed.
Presented by:
Dr. Matthew Lucas - TeleStrategies ISS World, Moderator
Dr. Gareth Owenson BSc PhD PgC FHEA - Chief Technology Officer - Searchlight Security Ltd
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